Self-imposed New Jersey account limits

New Jersey Deposit Limits

You have the ability to control your deposit amounts on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. These limits are implemented instantly once you establish a deposit limit and will be applied retroactively until you change them. You can decrease your set limit at any time, making the limit more strict. Any increase to your limit, making them less strict, will only take effect after the time limit has elapsed.

New Jersey Wagering Limits

You can set a cap on the total amount you wish to wager on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Once you hit your wagering limit for the chosen period, you will not be able to place any further wagers until the next period begins. These limits are implemented instantly once you establish the limit and will be applied retroactively until you change them. You can decrease your limit at any time, making them more strict. Any increase to your limit, making them less strict, will only take effect after the time limit has elapsed.

New Jersey Gaming Time Limits

You have the ability to limit the amount of time you wish to access the site on a daily basis. Once you hit your limit for the day, you wont be able to log in until the next period begins. This limit will be applied instantly and will be applied retroactively. You have the ability to tighten this limit at any time making it more strict. Any increase to this limit, making it less strict, will only take effect after the currently selected time frame has elapsed.